Sunday 1 March 2015


Holy Moly I am so bold, I haven't  written a blog post in a month!!!
I have still been posting on my social media accounts for the blog though but back in November I started a new job as a trainee fashion buyer and it has just been so busy and super long hours that I really haven't had the time or energy over the last few weeks to compose good blog posts! But I just realized how much I missed it and I actually find writing/blogging very relaxing and therapeutic so here we go... :)

Today's post is the 'Make-up Addict Tag', I was tagged a few weeks ago by the FAB make-up artist/blogger and now youtuber... Fabiana Coppola. You can check out her website HERE! (On a side note... Fabiana is doing my makeup for a wedding I am going to on Saturday, so I will post the completed look she does on me after Saturday...stay tuned!). OK, let's get started!
1. What product do you keep buying more of despite having plenty of it in your collection?
I think this would have to be foundation...There are a few that I love but I am yet to find the perfect foundation so I am always buying new ones to try.

2. What is the one product you can't live without?
Um, this is a tough one. I have become very fond of MAC prolongwear concealer, so possibly that to brighten up my eyes and cover blemishes! Or mascara?!

3. Favorite make-up brand?
As of right now I think I would have to choose Estee Lauder. Since Christmas I have been using Estee Lauder skin care, mascara and eyeliner and I am in love with all of them!

4. How big is your make-up collection?
Not too big. It could definitely be bigger! :)

5. How do you store your make-up collection?
I have a 2 shelves and a drawer where I store all my make-up. Some is packed into make-up bags within the drawer. Lipsticks and brushes are in an acrylic make-up stand that I got from Home store and more. I carry my everyday items in my handbag at all times, and the rest is lose in a drawer.

6. How many items of make-up do you have in your handbag at the moment?
So I just counted and I am no longer wondering why my hand bag is so heavy! I think it's time to clear out my make-up bag... I currently have 14 items of make-up in my hand-bag!

7. If you could raid another bloggers' stash who would it be?
I think it would be Carli Bybel! I love watching her make-up tutorials and when she does a make-up room tour I just want it all!!! Check out her channel HERE!

8. How long does your usual make-up routine take and how many products do you use?
This one really depends. On a weekday morning before work I do my make-up in about 20 minutes, sometimes less if I'm in a hurry! I would use about 6 products on days like this - Foundation, powder, bronzer, blush, mascara and a brow pencil. But if it's for a night out, an occasion or just the weekend in general it would probably take me up to an hour or so.

9. Have you ever bought make-up knowing you will never use it?
I think I always buy things that I know I will at-least try out at home, but sometimes I buy things knowing I will probably never wear them outside my house!

10. Tag a few other make-up addicts to do this tag.
I am going to tag Teodora Kirilova from 'Rocababe'

Hope you enjoyed this post...until next time <3 p="">
Lots of love,

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